What are the 7 C's of digital marketing?

What are the 7 C's of digital marketing?

20 May 2024 | By - Sudha Mariappan
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Have you ever found yourself watching dog videos on social media, and two hours later you realize you only wanted to spend 10 minutes? Well, digital marketing is often like that.

It’s fun, indeed, but there are so many strategies and trends that one can lose track of them so easily. These strategies we’re talking about here are not complicated, we can incorporate these into our marketing tactics to make our lives easier.

Creating a successful online marketing strategy is not an easy task in today’s digital era, where consumers are overwhelmed with data and market rivalry is stiff. It’s not enough to own a website and do a few social media posts. If you want to separate yourself from other businesses and get your target customer’s attention, you need an all-rounded and well-articulated strategy.

With digital marketing's 7 C's, the seven pillars which are used to support the structure of your target customer’s choice, will make sure that it leads into sales, and finally promote your business's online progress.

Let's have a look at each of the 7 C’s.


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Your ideal customer should be at the center of everything you do in digital marketing. Customer identity, their needs, wants, and pain points. As the demographics do not fully reveal who our customers are, we must go deeper into this study.

Meaning, that we need to be looking into areas such as monitoring their online behavior, especially the content they have liked or watched, their preferred content formats, and what challenges they go through in their daily lives. Making these decisions helps in customizing messages for specific interest areas while writing posts or approaching customers in general terms.


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Content is crucial for every successful digital marketing strategy, because it is what attracts visitors, and informs them on what your business stands for. Compelling content makes them become devoted customers. There are various types of high-quality content such as:

Blog posts: Blog posts refer to insightful and attractive articles uploaded to the website. It identifies the main issues in the industry and customer problems that can be effectively addressed using your product or service.

Ebooks and whitepapers: Ebooks and whitepapers provide comprehensive guides and studies that provide information on areas that are important to your market segment.

Videos and infographics: They contain information that is visually engaging and easy to understand but also with captivating storytelling that will hook your audience.

Social media posts: Posting on social media such as Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube can create room for discussions between people about different topics while boosting the popularity of certain products. You can take the liberty of inviting individuals to websites via hyperlinks.


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Context matters. Your message must fit the platform as well as the audience. On LinkedIn, for example, you may prefer posting a formal white paper whereas on Twitter, a funny video could be suitable for your marketing audience.

When it comes to the understanding of user intent, context is key. Do they present themselves as buyers who are only seeking information? Does this mean they’re casually browsing through social media while at it or others? Align your messaging along with content to their current stage during the purchase.


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Building a strong online community is not only having a large number of followers. It means you have to make genuine connections and interactions with your audience. It is the way you can make your audience turn customers loyal.

Responding to comments and messages: Responding to the comments and messages of your audience shows that you care about what they have to say. You can enable comments on your social media and website to boost your engagement.

Host contests and giveaways: Encourage participation among your audience so that they will eagerly participate in giveaways, which will encourage more people and increase your engagement.


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Your website should be convenient enough for users to use on mobile. Most importantly, the Call To Action should be clear and easy to find.

Having mobile accessibility is as important as having desktop accessibility. Now, with the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, make sure your website and marketing materials work flawlessly on smartphones and tablets as well.

Additionally, consider offering options like chatbots for quick customer service inquiries, making the user experience better for the customer.


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To build brand recognition it is important to make uniform content on all platforms. The brand you have will be the same. Therefore, on every platform where you’ll do online marketing, such as social media or a website, let there be one voice or image associated with your brand.

This kind of approach shows the importance of brand visibility through the utilization of identical visuals (photos, graphic design elements), color schemes, font styles, and brand language.

You need to make sure all the platforms you’re uploading your content on should be cohesive, meaning it should be uniformly managed. So that the audience will have no trouble going through your content.


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In the end, the goal of your digital marketing efforts is to get a conversion. This may come in the form of a website signup buying a product, downloading an ebook or mentioning someone for business collaborations.

You need to set clear-cut conversion goals such as checking important numbers like website visits, engagement rates as well as click-through rates. The end goal should be making money through conversion sales. Customers should be clicking on your link and buying your products.

Identifying potential engagements with the use of analytics tools, while updating your advertisement continuously will result into good returns from sales.

We are Ontogen Digital, a leading digital marketing company. We specialize in website optimization, graphic designing, video editing as well as blogging. For more information contact us via email info@ontogendigital.com

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