Top 7 Email Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Sales

Top 7 Email Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Sales

22 May 2024 | By - Sudha Mariappan
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Is your email inbox getting empty day by day, despite sending all those newsletters to your subscribers without fail?

Maintaining proper email marketing can be a bit tricky, although it feels relatively easy to do.

Social media can be a great platform to promote your product, but building a long lasting relationship is crucial, and email newsletters help you achieve that.

Email marketing is the only direct means of communication that provides a link between you and potential customers even with multiple marketing channels operating today.

Keeping in touch with your customers via email marketing can be intimate. It will build trust and the customers could maintain contact even during times of emergency.

So how can you improve your email marketing skills?

These top strategies will help you craft high-quality email campaigns that drive sales

1. Segment Your Email:

Segmentation is among the best email marketing strategies. If you want to order them by their age group, location, or product preference, move them to a targeted group for highly personalized content and customer relevance.

You can segment your email list by age, gender, location, customers’ purchase history, their website activity and how many times they have engaged with the email.

In this way, when it comes to getting better open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates in email marketing campaigns, just segmenting them does the magic.

Segmentation tools such as MailChimp or HubSpot allow users to personalize their messages as they send them out.

2. Personalize Your Emails:

A simple first name greeting would do the magic trick of personalization.

For example,

Hello XYZ, A friendly reminder to check your emails regularly.

Creating unique content suiting each of your subscribers is also very essential along with addressing them with their first names. It creates a sense of trust and knowing of the brand.

Personalization in email is not limited to just greeting the receiver by their first name. What is meant here is generating unique content for each and every one of your subscribers.

This could be through dynamic content, email content based on past behavior, past purchases and sending triggered emails such as sending automated emails on specific action, such as left over cart or birthday greetings.

Personalized emails can significantly increase engagement and drive more sales. According to mailmodo, personalized email messages improve click-through rates by an average of 41%. Which means, with a proper personalized email, there is a chance 41% of people can click through your email.

3. Craft Compelling Subject Lines:

Your subscribers eyes will fall on the subject line the first thing. A good, catchy subject line will greatly influence whether they open the email.

A catchy subject line should not be more than 6-10 words. It should be intriguing enough that the recipient will immediately open the mail.

When the subject line triggers the sense of urgency, it will also compel the recipient to open the mail.

Relevant content will attract everyone. Try to add relevant subject lines to hook more subscribers for your email.

4. Fit for Mobile:

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With the increase of smartphones, more people are accessing emails through their phones. Thus, optimizing your emails for mobile is crucial.

For mobile optimized emails, you need to make sure that your email looks compatible on desktop, mobile, and other devices as well.

As mobile screens display fewer characters, a short subject line is enough. Same goes for the content, the content should be concise so that it can be read on mobile.

Direct linking to CTA’s, your Calls To Action should be clickable so that your subscribers can easily access it, as explained in the next point.

5. Include Clear CTAs:

An effective Call To Action will compel the recipient to click on the link to further process what to be done.

For example, A specific “SHOP NOW”, “CLICK HERE”, or “DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE '' with a link attached will lead customers to the respective website to buy your product.

You can be more discreet and let the call to action mentioned above linked in between your email.

You can also add multiple CTAs that can be used if your customer is having different stages in buying your product. Stages such as the awareness stage have a different CTA than the consideration stage. But avoid overwhelming the reader with too many options.

6. Automating your Emails:

Sometimes you won't have time to individually send out emails, we understand that. To get you out of that misery, email automation is a system that allows you to send targeted emails to your subscribers at the right time without your constant checking.

You automation package can have:

  • A set of emails sent to new subscribers to introduce your brand.
  • Reminders sent to customers who added items to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase.
  • Emails sent to the subscribers who were not active for a while to win them back.
  • Follow-ups after a purchase to thank customers and encourage reviews or upsells.

Automation of emails is a great way to help you maintain consistent communication with your audience, develop new leads, and drive more sales.

7. Add some testimonials:

No matter how much you remain in contact with your email subscribers. Including some positive testimonials from time to time will bring back trust within your business and your customer.

Subscribers who are your potential customers can change from awareness stage to the consideration stage, thus increasing your conversions.

Along with testimonials, you can also add social proof, such as:

  • Customer reviews and testimonials
  • Case studies
  • User-generated content (e.g. photos or videos of customers using your product)
  • Ratings and awards

Adding this to your email will reassure customers and motivate them to make a purchase of our brand.

In the end, the goal should be converting your onlookers to email subscribers, and subscribers to customers.

By following these simple yet effective strategies, you can develop your brand and create more potential customers.

At Ontogen Digital we create a proper and conversion based email marketing strategy for your business, if you are someone who's looking to start email marketing or If you need any help with email marketing, feel free to connect with us at Subscribe to us for more such blogs.

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