TikTok SEO: Learn and Apply

16 February 2024 | By - Krishna Mohod
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Google Stay Aware! Someone is coming for your chair. Introducing you to one of the finest video reels platforms worldwide known as Tiktok . I'm no one to say that but the Senior Vice President of Google thinks , as he shared in the month of July that TikTok is performing more like a search engine, especially among GenZ. TikTok is investing a lot of assets in maximising user friendly content by featuring the suggested searches at the end of videos and also in the comment section.

Slowly but Steadily, TikTok is following all new trends and becoming the monk who delivers knowledge to its audience. Needless to say that businesses and creators are fully ready to create interesting content to entertain their audience. But, without understanding the game of TikTok SEO , all strategies result in failure. To utilize the power of SEO in TikTok , we are here to teach you how traditional SEO and TikTok SEO differentiate with each other.

What is TikTok SEO? :

TikTok SEO refers to the process of optimising your TikTok videos to rank higher in search results. The way you use keywords to drive traffic towards your website , you can apply the same keyword strategy to rank up your video in search results. It led to showing your video at the top on TikTok as well as Google .

Is investing in TikTok SEO worth it or not?

TikTok SEO is essential in today's times for all business and content creators who create video reels . It boosts engagement for audiences and attracts a variety of people towards content. Optimising proper SEO can result in more targeted traffic to your videos, increasing chances to make your content popular. Recently, they changed the criteria of the video description field and made 300 characters to 2,200 Users.

What to use Where? Comparison between Traditional SEO and TikTok SEO:

Traditional SEO and TikTok SEO works differently as mentioned below:

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Hashtags versus Keywords:

In traditional methods of SEO , we use keywords to optimise , SEO and generate traffic towards the website. But, In contrast , TikTok needs Hashtags to discover content. So, it's necessary to all content creators to use proper hashtags to get at the top in search results.

Video versus Text:

TikTok is a video reels platform and it comes with Visual elements, so TikTok SEO works on visual content, whereas, Traditional SEO optimised text-supported content to drive traffic. Now, If you understand How TikTok SEO works differently compared to Traditional SEO . Then, you can also use this set of strategy and tactics to optimise SEO on different platforms.

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