Performance Marketing : Now Earn Money
With Your Marketing Proposals

Performance Marketing : Now Earn Money With Your Marketing Proposals

12 February 2024 | By - Krishna Mohod
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Several times you might have heard the term types of digital marketing, but what are those, are they profitable or not, such types of many questions might arise in your brain at the same time and hence, we tighten up our knowledge and reveal one of the best types of marketing known as Performance Marketing.

Performance Marketing refers to the advertiser only pay when specific action occurs. For example, when a buyer clicks through their page or makes a purchase. In this article, we will make you know how performance marketing works, why you should use it and what channel offers the most profit.

What Is Performance Marketing?

Performance marketing is a type of marketing in which results are driven through clicks and purchase. It's essential for those companies that are looking to reach their customers at a very large scale because payment is dependent on how users interact with the content.

How does it work?

Advertisers engage the audience with their ads on channels and then pay depending on how much that ad performed.
There are some of the trends of performance marketing:

  • Cost Per Click:
  • In this method, advertisers' pay depends on the number of times their ad is clicked on. This is the best way to drive organic traffic to your website.

  • Cost Per Impression (CPM):
  • Impression in this method is basically views that you earn from your ads.

  • Cost Per Leads (CPL):
  • Much like cost per click, it works when someone sign ups for something example: user opening an email newsletter or webinar. Cost per leads are also helpful to generate leads and sales.

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Which channels you can use for Performance Marketing:

  • Online banner ads
  • Native advertising
  • Content marketing

  • To know more about these services, please visit Ontogen Digital Services:

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