Free Guide to generate leads for your B2B Business

Free Guide to generate leads for your B2B Business

16 May 2024 | By - Sudha Mariappan
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Businesses are getting too competitive these days. It’s a hustle if you’re a startup, and you want to gain other B2B leads. In B2C, we can easily identify our customers as they are individual people who don’t own a business. But in B2B business, it’s a business your own business has to deal with.

To gain more B2B clients, an extra effort is needed from your side. Through B2B leads, you have immense benefits. From increasing your sales and improved customer experience recognition, you can have several opportunities to get your brand more recognition.

B2B clients are a special kind of customers that your brand will need. For having such clients, you need to fish out your ideal customer, an imaginary set of demographics that you have to use in order to narrow down your customer persona.

Ideal customer profile:

Take it you sell a high-quality office chair company. You might think every office needs high-quality office chairs and you might target any business.

But you’re selling high-quality chairs which are probably costly. This type of broad approach will attract customers who are looking for only budget friendly options.

And you don’t want that.

Your marketing efforts might go to waste by reaching out to people who might not be a good fit for your business.

Depending upon your niche, your target audience can vary.

For example, if your target audience consists of the demographics of startups doing very well, or high-end multinational companies who want high-quality chairs that you’re selling.

Congrats! You’ve found out your ideal customer for your business.

Strategies to generate leads:

Cold Emailing: Cold emailing refers to reaching out to your potential customers who may not be familiar with your brand. They are new customers that are in your target list.

Therefore, you need to carefully craft personalized emails that should highlight what you are offering, which will make them buy your product, in this case, high-value chairs.

Warm Emailing: This is basically the opposite of cold emailing. This type of strategy deals with already existing leads who have shown interest in your brand, and have interacted with you a few times. <

This might include the customers who have already subscribed to your email marketing of your high-value chair official website. Warm emails can provide customers with more targeted content, such as offers or invitations to webinars which are relevant to their needs.

Automation process: Using email marketing automation process, you can automate your emails without you having to individually type out every email. You can create targeted emails that provide valuable content, educate them about your product, provide them your personal insights as an owner, and guide them towards buying your brand which will lead to conversions.

Answer Q&A: There is not a single person who is not aware of Quora. As a leading Question & Answer app, it can be utilized as a Q&A forum. You can contribute to industry forums or answer questions on Quora.

In our example, if some individual asks a question on quora, related to high-quality chairs, you as a high-quality chair business owner can answer those questions. It can build brand visibility.

Optimize Online reviews: If you have satisfied customers raving about your product, you can have a word with them to post their positive reviews on Google Reviews.

Use google Adwords to increase website traffic: You can use targeted keywords to be relevant to your ideal customer's searches. This will ensure your business appears at the top of search results when targeted clients click on your website.

Optimize website landing pages: If an individual clicks on a link that leads to your website’s landing page, make sure it is the most optimized. With a clear value towards your content, create a vision to make your customer stay longer on your website. For example, downloading a brochure for our chair.

Using a blog or newsletter: You can have a separate section in your website such as blog or newsletter to develop valuable content regarding your product. You can give your products latest updates, focus on your challenges and demonstrate your product.

Use guest posting: Sometimes collaboration is necessary for the improvement of your business. You can welcome guest bloggers to write on your website blogs. It can boost your business by bringing their audience to your reach, thereby creating more leads.

Press Release/ Promotion: To create more reach, you can announce your company developments which can be worthy of putting on news, events happening in your company, or any new product launches.

Channels through leads can be generated:

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Content Marketing: Content marketing is a huge source of promotion where you can consistently create quality content that will attract organic traffic. You can promote your content through posting articles, blogs, social media and email marketing.

Collect the Identity of website visitors: Using website analytic tools, you can understand your website visitors' demographics and what their interests are.

Display Ads or Pay-per-Click ads: You can use either organic ads or paid ads to display your brand on different websites. When people are attracted by your brand, they click on those ads and you earn conversions.

Conferences and networking: As a brand owner you need to grow your network for more potential businesses. You can attend industry conferences and events for networking with other brand owners. You can also organise your own event to invite influencers, fellow business owners to create more valuable connections.

This can be a healthy way to build connections that lasts and also showcase your expertise.

Through multiple channels, you can take your leads and change them into conversions. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can attract the right type of customers, and convert them into loyal customers.

Consistency is key and focusing on providing value to your loyal customers will help you in the long term. We at Ontogen Digital can help you with developing your marketing strategies and plan your content. If you need any assistance on your marketing journey, feel free to contact us at Subscribe to us for more blogs.

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