How do digital marketing agencies work? What are some initial steps to know before hiring a digital marketing agency?

How do digital marketing agencies work? What are some initial steps to know before hiring a digital marketing agency?

8 May 2024 | By - Sudha Mariappan
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Almost all of the businesses today, from a small tea shop to a huge mall, require an online platform to survive in the market. Digital marketing, or online marketing where you can sell your brand online, is the only way sellers and business owners can make their brand visible in today's digital age.

In all of the technical terms of digital marketing, like Pay-per click, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, and Email Marketing, it may be confusing for business owners to use and may require guidance to walk through the ever-changing global online market. Because of that, a strong online presence is necessary for businesses of all sizes.

To go with these ever-changing online markets, a digital marketing agency would be helpful. A digital marketing agency is basically a team of experts who can strategically mold your business to move forward and give your business successful bids. It can be your potential solution for your business journey.

But before that, you need to understand how these Digital marketing agencies work and service you. Let us see how these agencies work to provide you with clarity on how to choose a better marketing agency.

How do these digital marketing agencies work?

As a business, you can have an internal team, but you would need someone from outside for your business needs. You can hire a Digital Marketing agency for an improved customer base if you need any services, work through your website to gain more traffic, or improve your business overall.

Building organic traffic is attracting people to your website through your quality services or products. It is a necessary process to bring in more customers to make profit. To build organic traffic, there’s no need for any money, but it’s not free of cost. It may require your time and resources to build, say for example, a blog for your website.

It can help you create customers who can easily get converted to leads. Through using strategies such as email marketing, pay-per-click and social media, a digital marketing agency can attract customers, and if they’re convinced, it can be converted to sales.

Your brand deserves to be reached everywhere. Without digital marketing, it’s impossible for your brand to be visible. A digital marketing agency will help you with the growth of your social media and website by Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Lastly, a digital marketing agency can help you with improving your business. With constant changes in online trends and in the business market, you need to keep pace with everything.

Ontogen Digital, as a digital marketing agency, can help you with your business improvement. We offer a wide range of services which are listed below.

What are some initial steps to know before hiring a digital marketing agency?

Before getting into a deal with any digital marketing agency, you need to know what your business needs are first. Is it leveraging your website through SEO? Or is it social media networking?

What your business needs maps up what type of agency you have to work with. Below are some of the measures to take before choosing your digital marketing agency.

Experience they have: What would you prefer? An online marketing agency with 5 years of experience, or an agency with one year of experience? The logical answer would be going with 5 years of experience. However, not only you should see experience, but also what type of industry they are working with. Are they aligning with your industry goals?

At Ontogen, we provide services for a vast range of industries, ranging over 15 of them. We provide diversity in our services.

Is it affordable? Are they up to date? The main question arrives. The moment you select your digital marketing agency is crucial because your business might have a different budget and the digital marketing service budget might differ.

Different digital marketing agencies have different methods of servicing. And if you see they haven’t even updated their methods to current trends and technology, you might as well not choose that agency. Research is key, and finding the best requires patience and lots of knowledge.

Team strength: Team strength matters when you’re outsourcing a digital marketing team from outside. When a team has good manpower, you can easily trust them for their work. Our digital marketing agency has over 50 employees where we can personally curate your content according to your needs.

Are they known for driving results? Testimonials are everything. People won’t trust a digital marketing agency until it’s proven they have the expertise. Meaning, past results are the only way to judge the agency. Are their previous clients satisfied? Will they be willing to work again?

We at Ontogen have successfully serviced 400,000+ clients, with an increase over 25% of ROI.

Services we offer at Ontogen:

Web services:

  • We offer Website design and development services. From concept launching to landing page, we review with the client to ensure alignment and provide the best service possible.
  • We use the latest technologies and best practices to create fast working websites, which are user-friendly and responsive.
  • We also provide training on management and hosting to get you out of the dark when you get your website done.

Content Marketing:

  • We create blog posts, video productions, scripts, posts and podcasts.
  • We also create high-quality posts with up to date trends and posts that are always on point with the brand.

Email Marketing:

  • We offer personalized messages using CRM software.
  • We combine your emails with other networks for generating new customers and retain old ones.
  • Using E-Mail management services, we can help you drive success and grow your business.
  • With advanced targeting and segmentation tools, we can help you with pre-built email templates.

Graphic Design:

  • We can help you create graphics that help businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • We can customize your design needs that capture your brand's personality and values, along with Logos, Banner Ads and Brochures.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency, that may fit into what we’ve listed above. Try Ontogen digital services. Here we service over 100K+ clients and we strive to always deliver the best to you. Check out our recent client testimonial video clicking here.

If you need our services, contact us at, and subscribe to our blog for more such updates.

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